2018 – An Update

2018 – An Update

I turn my back on the site for five minutes and half a year goes-by! I shall have to admonish it properly for letting things get so bad.

So – on to the first proper post of 2018. This will also serve as the first proper-post generally as well. And by-jove, there’s plenty to cover. Firstly with the recent revamp of the Twitch channel, we see ourselves moving into an era of ‘a kind of stream that has enhanced production value and therefore tends to go wrong somewhat often’ – but more on that later. Also, YouTube have kindly removed my Partnership because I’m not hitting their obligatory ‘4,000 hours watched in 365 days‘ requirement. That’s ELEVEN HOURS A DAY of watch time. Surely this is not a big deal, right? Just a viral video here and there, a single video with 1,000,000+ views or so, and we’ll be there! So I’m enlisting YOU, humble reader to set forth and watch all of the videos on the channel. All of them. There’s a handy link somewhere on this page, go click it, watch the videos, and I’ll be here waiting for you.

Welcome back. Thanks for that, I’ll buy you a pint if I ever get to meet you in reality. ಠ_ರೃ

I understand YouTube has a bottom-line, and they’ve never turned a profit et cetera. But it is damned irritating to be hit with this restriction, despite knowing and understanding the economics behind it. I think ultimately the barrier to entry into YouTube partner-land should have always been a bit higher than ‘have a few videos’ or ‘10,000 views’ – because we know that can be achieved in a heartbeat with the right sly tactics… or good content, I suppose. I feel the main problem was that this restricting of partnership was the result of a series of controversial videos posted by bigger YouTube personalities. Not naming-names, you know who, and if you don’t – it’s not all that important, really. But calling this their ‘fix’ was a bit disingenuous. As far as I am concerned, those with the clout to be at the top and ‘influence’ their audience in any way, must try to hold themselves to a higher standard. This stuff isn’t even ‘evil’ – it’s cheap no-good mucking-about, and I won’t stand for it! Real evil is trusting yourself to be the permanent-marker on the clean whiteboard of life. So – chuck the lot of them out, I say, let the classier folks jump-in. Restricting the entry to Partnership is an entirely different matter, and a lot of backlash might have been avoided had they simply announced this as their new entry rules, and perhaps let folks who already had the partnership retain it a while longer than a month to make up the hours… I mean really. ಠ_ರೃ

So – on to everyone’s favourite Kappa-based broadcasting platform. Twitch has been a bit off-and-on as you might have noticed, mainly since I moved the Flying Lava Fortress to a new, more secure location, the internet connection has been playing silly buggers and as a result I’ve not been able to stream with any real consistency or quality that I try to maintain. The only problem with this is that as a result, it becomes a lot easier over time to just… not stream. It’s a strange feeling, but the amusing thing is that I’ve caught myself making excuses not to stream. Why is this? I absolutely love what I do – and from what you lot have said in feedback, it seems you lot aren’t entirely fed up of it yet either. This shall have to be researched. Rest-assured, however that like a good curry I shall return with greater regularity, and more powerful than anyone thought possible. ಠ_ರೃ

So, enough updatey-nonsense, and enough YouTube complainery. You’re here to be entertained, correct? Then tune in tomorrow for something new..! ୧༼ಠ益ರೃ༽୨

Stay evil, my friends.

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