2018 – An Update

I turn my back on the site for five minutes and half a year goes-by! I shall have to admonish it properly for letting things get so bad. So – on to the first proper post of 2018. This will also serve as the first proper-post generally as well. And by-jove, there’s plenty to cover. Firstly with the recent revamp […]

Hello world!

‘Hello World’ – is the industry standard for uninteresting greetings on the internet. It is supposed to have originated from a Bell Laboratories internal memorandum by Brian Kernighan, called ‘Programming in C: A Tutorial’ back in 1974. How dull. ಠ_ರೃ I prefer the old adage ‘ENGAGE EYEBALLS‘ – originally from a Mr. F. Monocle, prior to any of his internet […]