Hello world!
‘Hello World’ – is the industry standard for uninteresting greetings on the internet. It is supposed to have originated from a Bell Laboratories internal memorandum by Brian Kernighan, called ‘Programming in C: A Tutorial’ back in 1974.
How dull. ಠ_ರೃ
I prefer the old adage ‘ENGAGE EYEBALLS‘ – originally from a Mr. F. Monocle, prior to any of his internet broadcasts, exclaimed in the hope that any and all individuals desperate for some quality entertainment would flock to his Twitch page (coincidentally, I am reliably informed that all of the best and most famous people occasionally refer to themselves in the 3rd person).
In any case, the greeting serves its purpose, to wit, I humbly greet any and all whose eyeballs are to grace these digital words of mine. A distinct pleasure indeed, I do hope our friendship is one of mutual satisfaction.
Ugh. Disgusting. I hate having to be nice to people.
ANYWAY – do please check back here often, for I do thoroughly intend to grace these pages with some various words from time to time, whether I’ve encountered a particularly interesting video game, or indeed if I have any tips or tricks on being a thoroughly evil villain, this is where you shall find the germination of those ideas. Hopefully over time, those seeds of evil shall blossom into a fruitful, terrible and, above-all, awe-inspiring place to exist with your fellow minion.
If you’ve gotten this far, splendid. Do please feel free to send a ‘Follow‘ over on Twitch, or indeed one of those ‘Subscribes‘ that everyone on YouTube seems to always yammer-on about. I’m told those things are like currency, and as such I intend to acquire as much of it as possible. So hop to-it! Begone from this place and make mine an empire the likes of which has never been seen (and by that, I mean of course, seen by everybody… regularly… on Twitch and YouTube).
I remain as always,
Your evil friend,
The Flaming Monocle